A home remedy for bad toothache pain that is both easy and quick to use would be to place a piece of cucumber on the affected tooth and let it soothe the pain, it's not the sort of thing you would expect to work for relieving toothache pain but many people have found that it does help quite a bit.
Another remedy you can use is real vanilla extract, this is another method that is not as commonly known as some others but can still be quite effective in some cases.
You can use this method in two ways:
1 - Place some vanilla extract on the end of a cotton ball and dab it on the painful tooth
2 - Take a small amount of vanilla extract and swig it around your mouth, especially around the area in which the affected tooth is
Yet another home remedy for bad toothache pain that you can use is iodine, this is as simple as placing just one drop of iodine on the sore tooth and letting it sit there, do NOT swallow it, just let it sit there and do its work.
A method that is probably the easiest one you can possibly do is to mix a small amount of table salt with some warm water, one teaspoon of salt with a small glass of water would be enough, then just swig it around your mouth for around thirty seconds.
These home remedies are all pretty simple to do and they may be able to greatly reduce the amount of pain you suffer from your toothache.
It is important to realise that you need to seek professional advice for all dental problems though, you should be talking with a dentist about it as soon as possible as it can lead to much more serious problems if not properly treated.
Find Out The Easy Way To Relieve Tootache Pain:
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_D.
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