Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem?

Weight Watchers Zero Point Foods - A Real Bonus For Dieters

Weight Watchers has been successfully teaching dieters to lose weight and lose fat since the 1960s. The points system is a relatively new innovation, but has been no less successful and some find it easier to use than earlier methods.
Parts of the Weight Watchers system is covered and protected by US patents, but broadly the number of points a person can have to eat in a day is covered by their starting weight:
Less than 150 pounds = 18-25 Points
150 to 174 pounds = 20-27 Points
175 to 199 pounds = 22-29 Points
200 to 224 pounds = 24-31 Points
225 to 250 pounds = 26-33 Points
Over 250 pounds = 28-35 Points
How to allocate your day's food can become crucial when a single Big Mac will costs 14 points and a slice of undecorated cheesecake will cost 7 points!
Using some zero point foods will bulk up your day's intake without costing any of your points allocation. Here is a partial list:
brussels sprouts
diet soda
mineral water
snow peas
soy sauce
If it isn't obvious from the above, salads - green, garden and mixed - are all zero point Weight Watchers foods, as are vegetable juices.
If you'd like to mix some lemon or lime juice, salt, pepper, vinegar and mustard, you could have a zero point salad dressing for your zero point salad. Spend one point and you can add some olive oil! Lush, indeed.
Understanding how to use the Weight Watchers points system, in it's entirety, and to your benefit - including the Zero Point Foods - can mean you reaching your weight loss and fat loss goals sooner.
More information on zero-point foods, including how to use these special foods in recipes, and how they can facilitate your weight loss, is available at There are four fabulous recipes you can read about and make for yourself on this site - "Asian-style" Vegetable Soup, Mexican Vegetable Soup, Italian Vegetable Soup and "Garden-style" Vegetable Soup. Head over there and pick them up - all four terrific, and all zero-points!
All the best!
Warwick Foster

How a Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You With an Injury Claim

Past victims of the negligence of a car accident are well aware of the physical, as well as mental distress that can be caused by dealing with the aftermath of the situation. When the negligence was caused by a third party, the distress is multiplied.
In this situation, the injured party has the right to gain compensation for the losses that have occurred. With the help of a personal injury lawyer, the injured party might be able to get the settlement that they deserve. Understanding what this type of lawyer brings to the table is important to know why their services are needed.
Personal Injury Law Knowledge
The laws concerning personal injury differ from state to state and none are completely understandable. Because laws are created to cover a large range of subjects, they often cause confusion to the common person. A lawyer who specializes in a specific area is needed for this difficult interpretation and will ensure that the claim is in accordance with the compensation. The advice needed is often free because most lawyers offer a consultation at no charge.
Helps the Victim to Gain More Compensation
A personal injury lawyer who has experience and knowledge will often be able to gain a greater amount of compensation for their client. By arguing the case confidently and presenting all of the available evidence, the lawyer can get the insurance company to pay on a larger claim.
Settlements Are Able to be Made Without Going to Court
Often times the guilty party will want to resolve the case without going to court, which allows savings in time and money. It is vital that the victim have competent representation in order to be protected from the insurance company taking advantage of them. While the law firm will receive a part of the compensation, the victim will receive more than if he or she faces the insurance company alone.
Receive Worthy Guidance
Creditable lawyers who take personal injury cases have worked with an innumerable amount of similar cases. They are well aware of the types of questions that will be asked of their clients and they will advise the client on how to answer such questions. They will also assist their client in the organization and presentation of evidence in the courtroom.
The victim of an accident should not discount the experience that a personal injury lawyer can offer them in a court of law. While they may be able to win the case on their own, the victim should acknowledge the vast amount of experience, knowledge and advocacy that a lawyer can offer them when seeking the greatest amount compensation for their injuries.
To learn more about your rights after a car accident, visit this great article.

5 Little Known Tips for Fast Weight Loss

In this article I'm going to review some weight loss tips that might be unheard of and others you might have heard before but nonetheless they all work very well when combined together in a good weight loss program.
Tip 1:
Let's start by taking a picture of every piece of food that you eat and every beverage that you drink. You can easily do this by using your cellular phone. This is the 2014 version of a food journal. In all my years of consulting with clients I have found that the people who keep a food diary get the best results. So in order to bring this to present time current technology just to get your cellular phone and take a picture of your food. You can even go a step further and post the picture on your FB page or your G+. This will hold you accountable. You may even get a bunch of your friends and coworkers to do the same thing and you could have a contest as to who can eat the healthiest or who can lose the most weight.
Tip 2:
Make sure that you drink at least 64 ounces of water each and every day. Most people think that they are hungry when in fact they are actually thirsty. In my experience with my clients I have found that if they keep their body properly hydrated they eat less food. Plus your body needs an adequate amount of water each and every day in order to keep the systems of your body working properly.
Tip 3:
Eat lots of vegetables. It doesn't matter if the vegetables are raw or cooked. Just eat them. You can even juice your vegetables. Make sure that you are putting kale and parsley in your veggie shakes as they are two of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet.
Tip 4:
Limit your starchy carbohydrates. In order to lose weight and maintain your weight loss you should really consume starchy carbohydrates in moderation. This includes bread, pasta, rice and all the other delicious foods that are made from some type of wheat flower or rice. I know we all like these foods but the problem is that they like us as well and they like to hang around with us on our bellies, buttocks and thighs. So do yourself a favor and limit your starchy carbohydrate intake. Now I am not saying to eliminate them totally by just make sure that you are consuming them in moderation during the day.
Tip 5:
Tip number five is the icing on top of your weight loss cake! And Tip number five is exercise. But we are talking about sensible exercise. And the meaning of sensible exercise is doing a type of exercise program that is not going to cause us to experience any type of injury. Sensible exercise is different for everyone. If you are over 40 years old and have not exercised since your high school years you may be best served by beginning a sensible walking program. If you can walk for 60 consecutive minutes 5 to 7 days a week this is an excellent beginner program. Now if you can't walk for 60 consecutive minutes just do what you can.
If you could only walk 20 minutes, then that's great just walk for 20 minutes every day. And gradually work your way up to 60 straight minutes of walking. We are looking to make positive lifestyle changes. Changes that will make us healthy and also lose weight in the process. For others, a sensible exercise program might be doing a more intense exercise program like high intensity interval training, resistance training and other types of burst training like programs.
So there you have it 5 weight loss tips to losing weight and getting healthy.
Here is one final extra weight loss tip: if you are confused, if you have tried losing weight on your own and have failed, if you have absolutely no idea about what you're doing and why you are not losing weight be smart and consult a health and wellness expert.
I cannot tell you how many people I see in my office each and every day that think they are eating right and exercising right and still cannot lose any weight at all. The problem is that there is so much information out there. And this totally confuses people.
So do yourself a favor consult a health and wellness consultant.
Check out my video at for our weight loss program in Philadelphia.

Understanding Skills in Elder Scrolls Online

Hello friends! This article will help you to find out how skills in Elder Scrolls Online work. First of all you need to understand that there are at least 6 categories of skills that are available to every player right from the start. These categories are open and can be seen in the special tab. You can master any of the skills you see in that tab. There are also closed categories that can't be seen in the beginning of the game. Elder Scrolls Online is based on exploration and you will have to find several skill lines yourself. For example you can join Fighters Guild and receive special skill line there.
As I said in the beginning, there are 3 global categories of skills that you must know:
Class Category - this category consists of 3 subcategories with 10 skills in each. Each player has 30 class skills and can master all of them while playing ESO. Class skills depend on your character's class. For example if you decided to play as a Templar you will see all abilities of this class there.
Weapon Category - is dedicated to the weapons. There are 6 weapon categories in the game: Two Handed, Sword and Shield, Dual Wield, Bow, Restoration Staff, Destruction Staff. Each weapon category has 10 skills. Unlike Class abilities that depend on your Class, Weapon abilities are available to all players. It allows any player with any role to use any weapon he wants. You may see a healer with a bow or with two handed sword in Elder Scrolls Online.
Armor Category - there are 3 armor types in ESO: light, medium and heavy. Armor skills allow you to use your armor better and consist of passive abilities.
All abilities are divided into 3 big groups: active, passive and ultimate. Active abilities can be places on your hotbar and can be used in battle. You don't receive any benefits from such spells until you activate them. Passive abilities don't require activation. They gain you different bonuses once mastered. That's why they are called passive. The third group is Ultimate Spells - the most powerful and deadly. You can use Ultimates like other active skills but they require special recharging. You need to restore your Ultimate pool to be able to use such ability again.
How to master?
There is only one way to master new skills. If you want to advance in Dual Wield skill line you need to use Dual Wield weapon in combat. When you use definite weapon your mastery is growing and you receive special ranks that allow you to learn new abilities. Everything is simple - if you want to advance in Bow skills - use bow in combat.
This was a brief introduction into the skill system of Elder Scrolls Online. To find out more visit our fan site Thank you for reading.

Contractors' All Risk Insurance - Comprehensive Policy to Cover All Construction Risks

In a construction project, a contractor is solely responsible for everything and anything that happens on the construction site. May it be an accident to the worker, injury to the third party, or any damage to the property or machinery, he has to bear the entire pain and still complete the project on time. Even a small financial disturbance can cause a significant loss and interrupt the construction, no matter how small or big the construction project is. Hence, it is essential for every contractor to equip himself with right kind of insurance to protect his business from unpredictable losses.
Today, many insurance companies are offering insurance policies for contractors. However, choosing an absolute policy that can help the contractors face any kind of unanticipated losses makes the difference. In this article we will discuss about one such policy, popularly called as Contractors' All Risk insurance (CAR).
What is Contractors' All Risk insurance?
Contractors' All Risk insurance is a comprehensive policy designed to cater the insurance needs of the builders, contractors and construction traders. The nature of the policy to cover all the eventualities and risks to the business as well as to the individuals makes it much useful for the contractors.
Types of risks involved in the construction arena
We can broadly divide the risks involved in the construction projects into two types - damages to the property and damages to the third party at the construction site.
• Damage to the property: Property at the construction site can be anything like the building under construction, machinery, equipment, materials, employee tools, etc., which are either owned or leased. Any damage to such property due to constructional failure, theft, and machinery damage can cause significant financial losses and also interrupts the construction process. CAR insurance effectively provides cover to all such damages and losses and thus, saves the contractor from sudden losses and business interruptions.
• Loss from the liability claims: Apart from the internal issues, litigation filed against the contractor, either by the workers or by the third party for injury/death/damage caused to them, as a result of the contractors' negligence can create financial burden.
In the absence of proper insurance, the contractor has to face all the legal issues, lawyer costs, court proceeding costs, and if the case goes in favour of the other party, he has to pay huge amounts to compensate them for the loss. CAR insurance, which includes both public and employers' liability insurance policies, offers protection against all such legal claims.
Thus, by covering all the major risks involved in the construction projects, Contractors' All Risk Insurance is considered as a comprehensive policy.
Approach a reputed brokerage for better deals
What makes CAR insurance policy more functional is the company from which you purchase the policy. Policies like CAR are not fixed; the policies covered under the policy vary from company to company. Hence, choosing a company which can offer an insurance policy that covers entire risks involved in your specific business type or construction project is always an intellectual approach. For choosing such company, it's always better to approach a reputed insurance brokerage firm which offers tailor-made products that suit your requirement.
Keystone Insurance Group is Ireland's premier supplier of public liability insurance and business insurance solutions to Irish industry. Our experienced and professional team quickly arranges quotes for all classes of business insurance.

Fastest Way To Lose Weight Without Weight Loss Pills

If you are searching for the fastest way to lose weight without weight loss pills, then you are not alone. Many people are also searching for methods, tricks, plans, diets, etc to lose weight as fast as possible.
One word you need to keep repeating in your mind is effort. Yes, you need to summon your best effort in order to lose weight quickly. You also need to start a plan and keep it as your routine. If you fail to plan, you will probably not succeed and discipline is also key to your success.
The fastest way to lose weight without weight loss pills is to go through a system called calorie shifting. This is a breakthrough new diet that is being touted as the next best thing in dieting. How about losing 10 pounds in the next 2 weeks? Impossible? No.
This new system will jolt your metabolic system to work more efficiently and help you burn more calories at a faster pace.
What happens is you do not feel as if you have to fill your stomach all the time which means you never suffer from hunger pangs. You also do not need to restrict yourself to depriving yourself of carbohydrates, fats and counting any calories. How does that feel.
While other diets may restrict you to eating weight loss pills, fat loss potions and liquids, energy bars and food that come pre-packaged, you can actually eat anything you want from this new method. You wouldn't want people to control what you have to eat would you?
Many people who have been introduced to this new diet also record more weight loss than their previous diets which actually make them eat much less and only food containing low amounts of calories and other methods.
This method of losing weight is so effective; it will enable you to lose up to 10 pounds every 14 days. Again no weight loss pills required. Some people report of losing up to 25 pounds within 30 days and swear that this is the fastest way to lose weight.
The good thing about this calorie shifting method is that you can continue eating your usual favorite food only controlling the amount consumed and still gain fat loss and lose weight. Definitely better than any other diets out there.
To conclude, the fastest way to lose weight without weight loss pills is by shifting calories.
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The Fastest Way to Lose Weight Is Not The Best Way to Lose Weight

Points to Ponder for your weight loss new year's resolutions. We were "naturally selected" for a very different lifestyle than we have today. Our sedentary lifestyles are only about the last 50 years - which is not even a notch on the evolutionary time line. Even if we think we are active because we run 3 times a week, or go to the gym 5 times a week - by evolutionary standards - that still does not meet the criteria of activity. Activity is a measure of circulation and oxygen consumption by the body, all day.
Here is what happens when we lose weight fast: first of all let's remember if we are talking losing weight - we are usually referring to a number on the scale - which is a poor measure of fat loss. The scale does not tell us if we lost fat, muscle, water or any other precious bodily resources.We need to hone our wish list to fat loss - in other words design our weight loss program around scientific methods of fat loss, and saving our muscle mass. And yes, it is both an art and science to lose fat and save muscle.
Our muscles are what keeps us lean and fit, over the long haul. The reason many people feel they gain weight uncontrollably as they age is because of a nasty fact of life called sarcopenia: that is the fancy scientific term for use it or lose it. If we don't nurture our muscle mass with proper nutrition and physical activity and exercise (please note I mention both physical activity and exercise - they are NOT the same), then we sacrifice our muscles and bones. Sarcopenia is NOT a doomed destiny - it is very possible to steer clear and keep our muscle tone and bone density- but fad gimmick diets, starvation, lose weight quick schemes all lead to the breakdown of muscle. Muscle is an absolute necessity for fat burning, staying fit, disease prevention,our immune function... our muscle mass is absolutely our BFF in life. Losing muscle mass is the sure way to gain weight and create metabolic disasters... which lead to further weight gain.
The other really important point to remember is the fat cell. Again believe it or not the fat cell just shrinking and not going away permanently was another Ace in the evolutionary winning hand of natural selection. Quick weight loss programs, due to metabolic and hormonal issues leave the fat cells looking to grow and multiply. This is another reason for the "yo yo" effect - known correctly as weight cycling - the fat cells at time of rapid weight loss are looking to fortify and multiply to protect against the perceived invasion of starvation.
So please, make those New Year's resolutions for fat loss, and this time please don't fall for gimmick diets (temporary) or gadgets that cost you money, and cost you more in frustration and deflation. Take a scientific approach. Unearth the saboteurs - they probably are NOT what you think they are - there is a science behind real fat loss.
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8 Ways to Lose Weight Easily

Weight is an issue for more people today than it ever was. More people have quick access to foods that are cheap, easy to get, and full of fat and other harmful ingredients. As a result, more people weigh more now than ever before. It can be hard to make a change to lose weight and become healthier. There are a few things that people can do every day to lose weight more easily to keep them motivated to doing more.
Start moving more every day. Just a half an hour every day for a week is going to get the body prepared to start moving more. Increase this amount of time every week for a month. You will start seeing the results of your extra movements when you realize that you can do it a little easier each time. Your muscles will start to tone and you will use up more of your caloric intake.
Choose healthier eating options. Instead of a handful of chips, choose a handful of carrots. Replace a soft drink with a glass of water a day. Eat fresh fruit instead of a couple of cookies. Changing things here and there is a lot easier than changing everything at once. You can still stay have a treat now and then. You just need to limit your portions and how often you allow yourself to indulge.
Set small goals for yourself instead of unrealistic ones. If you think you are going to lose a significant amount of weight in just a short amount of time, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. That disappointment will make you give up your dreams of weighing less. Instead of making unrealistic goals, make short and attainable ones.
Join a support group or try to lose weight with a friend. Studies have shown that trying to lose weight with someone else helps a person to lose weight faster. If you try to lose weight with someone else, you can encourage each other to keep going when you do not feel like sticking to your goals.
Keep a journal of your eating and exercising habits. This allows you to see exactly what you have been doing and how hard you have worked to get as far as you have. You can always refer back to the journal to see how far you have come. You do not want to give all of that effort up with a huge meal or snack splurge. Looking at your journal when you have a craving can be a deterrent for making mistakes.
If you lose sight of your goal one day, get back on track after you have made a mistake.Even if you do make a mistake, it is not the end of your attempt to lose weight. You can still get back on track that very same day to ensure that your diet doesn't go down the drain. Everyone makes a mistake once in a while, but that does not give them license to give up altogether.
Tell important people about your attempt to lose weight. Telling people who mean something to you puts you personally accountable for your weight loss efforts. You don't want to disappoint anyone if you stop trying to lose weight, so you will be less likely to quit so easily.
Remember that you will not likely lose a lot of weight right away. Do not give up your efforts to lose weight just because success didn't happen overnight. Do not try and deceive yourself: losing weight takes a lot of hard work and dedication. Stick with it and you will see results eventually.
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The 4 Best Ways to Lose Weight!

A lot of people struggle to lose weight, and most people think dieting is the solution. From my own experience I have learned that dieting never works, because, you usually just gain all the weight back again. Instead I have written down 4 of the best ways to lose weight. These are some of the methods I personally used to lose over 50 pounds.
1) Don't diet, just eat consciously:
Try adding vegetables to every food or meal you eat. For example, if you go out for a pizza, ask for some vegetables, take a slice, add some of the vegetables and enjoy. If you can and you feel like this is something you could do, try eating the vegetables and the protein first, and then eat the carbs, that way the body will process better the nutrients.
2) Drink One or Two Glasses of Water Before Every Meal:
Water flushes your system and get rid of all the toxins in your body. In my own experience I felt that after drinking a glass of water or two, I didn't have all those cravings I used to have. Try drinking a glass or two before each meal, and you´ll see the difference. OK, we're into step two of the 4 best ways to lose weight, let's have a look at the third way.
3) Get rid of emotional stress:
Stress is a factor that in some cases could cause you to gain weight. Meanwhile there is no extensive studies that indicate that stress can increase weight, I did noticed from my own experience that when I reduced emotional stress, I lost weight.
4) Change Your Eating Patterns:
Try the following:
If you eat by night your insulin levels will be high and it's going to be hard for your body to burn the fat, and instead of burning fat, your body will create more fat instead. For a change, try the following:
Try eating more earlier during the day, and then, perhaps an earlier dinner and a lighter one, that way you'll change your eating habits and you will in fact burn more fat.
You might say, but I want to lose weight now! As fast as possible! Well, if you take a common diet plan versus making small changes to the way you're currently eating you'll see that making those tiny little changes, one step at a time, will in the end give you long lasting results. In my opinion and from my own tests and results I can definitely say that the best ways to lose weight are rarely related to doing any extreme diets.
Before 2011 Alexander Palmer used to weigh 220 lbs. In 2011 he made the decision to make a change. He lost more than 50 lbs in 6 months without dieting. Instead he educated himself on how to eat properly. He currently help others on how to lose weight without suffering. To discover more, please go to: the best ways to lose weight

5 Tips for Rapid Weight Loss

There are no magic pills, it's about smart choices. No one is perfect. Simply move in the direction to get better each day.
Think of your diet as a lifestyle for longevity. Eat a wide variety of natural whole foods based on what you just did and what you're about to do.
Enjoy what you love without the guilt, but eat healthy most of the time.
Have earned meals, not cheat meals. When you eat the correct foods most of the time you earn the ability to eat whatever you want. How often depends on your individual goals. Cheating brings up a negative image. Don't be negative about something you've earned.
Don't stress. Stressing out over your diet is counterproductive because stress is directly linked to weight gain.
5 Tips for Rapid Weight Loss
1- Drink Water. Ditch any liquid high in calories but drink lots of fluids, mostly water.
A lack of water affects your kidneys and liver. This hinders fat burning. When dehydrated, your body also holds on to the little water it has, causing you to feel bloated.
Drinking enough water brings everything back to equilibrium. Water can also enhance metabolism. Your body works more efficiently when hydrated which speeds up weight loss.
2- Cut back on Salt. Salt isn't bad, but too much of it can cause problems.
Salt does not cause your body to gain or lose fat. But, high consumptions of salt cause your body to retain water. Reducing the salt in your diet causes your body to shed water weight. Some salt is necessary for health so don't cut it out completely.
Diets high in salt are also associated with weight gain. This is because high levels of salt are commonly found in unhealthy calorie dense processed foods.
3- Dump Highly Processed Foods. Highly processed foods often lack essential nutrients and are high in bad fats, sugar, and artificial chemicals.
Your body processes whole foods very differently than it does highly processed foods. Some highly processed foods overstimulate the pleasure neurotransmitter, dopamine, which can lead to cravings.
Processed foods also cause a temptation to eat in excess which can lead to other health problems. Stick with natural whole foods.
4- Double Dark Leafy Greens. Leafy greens are nutritious and come in a wide variety.
Vegetables like kale, spinach, collard greens, cabbage, broccoli and others are some of the most nutrient dense foods on a calorie per calorie basis.
They are rich in fiber that keeps you feeling full. Fiber can also lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and moderate blood-sugar swings by slowing the absorption of carbohydrates after meals. Leafy greens also contain a lot of water, which helps to keep you hydrated.
5- Prioritize Sleep. Skipping sleep packs on the pounds.
It can also hinder the effectiveness of your diet. People who get less sleep are more likely to be overweight or obese.
Don't be temped by junk foods. Research from Harvard shows that missing a few hours of sleep may also make you more susceptible to junk foods. The prefrontal cortex is highly sensitive to a lack of sleep and it is the part of the brain responsible for self-control.
Want to learn more about losing weight quickly and living healthy? Visit our blog at
If you know someone who this could help. Please share it.

What Do You Need to Be a Successful Forex Trader?

Being a successful Forex trader is not just about having the right tools for the job it is about having the right state of mind. In this article we are going to look at the equipment required and also how to get focused on the job in hand. Contrary to all the sales hype out there Forex trading is not as easy as placing bets on a currency going up or down. A 50/50 bet that either goes against you or with you, Wrong; Forex trading is a strategic activity that is influenced by an array of different fundamental and technical issues.
First of all let us look at the equipment that one might need to be a modern day Forex trader; computer, of course this goes without saying but not just any old computer will do. You need to have a PC or laptop that is fast enough to fill your orders in the shortest time possible, most modern laptops and PC's will do the trick but steer clear if you are still operating a commodore 64. This also goes for your internet connection. Although it is pretty much unheard of these days, dial up internet is a waste of time you must have broadband and not through a mobile network. Although mobile dealing is getting faster there can still be a dangerous delay in filling orders. A secondary monitor is also a good idea as you will need to watch your charts and enter trades at the same time, once you have experienced using more than one monitor you will never go back.
Now you have the right equipment it is time to choose a broker; this can be trickier than you think. Funny enough there is a fair share of scam brokers out there that will do anything to get their hands on your money and I am not just talking about legitimate means such as the spread they charge. I only really have one recommendation here; do not be tempted by small spreads to trade with an un-established broker. Use a regulated broker by the Financial services authority of that country and try to keep it local where you can i.e. in the same country that you are living and trading.
Now, let us talk about the biggest key to being a successful Forex trader. Attitude; if you are an un-patient person then you might as well pack up your things now or start auto trading because there is no room for impatient people in the world of Currency trading. You only need to trade a couple of times a day to make a consistent living. In fact if you are trading more than 10 times a day then you are over trading and need to seriously look at your strategy.
You will need to detach yourself from the value of money, because if you let the emotion of greed or the fear of losing money get in the way of your trading strategy you are doomed, from now on you need to think in increments of pips and points and not monetary value. Most successful traders will only win around 30% of the time, but there wins will be 4 times worth their losses. Losing is a fact of trading and you will need to get used to that.
How great would it be to get paid to learn forex. At BOAFX we have put inplace a system that will do just that. You can learn forex whilst earning money from our set and leave trades. It is all part of an initiative to turn you into indepenant traders and earn money whilst you do it.

Why It's Essential to Get a Forex Trader Coach

A lot of new traders seem reluctant to pay for a Forex Trader coach and that can have a huge negative effect on their trading performance. I have never really understood why they are so reluctant because coaches (A.K.A. Instructors, tutors, mentors) form such a big part of our daily lives.
If you think about it, anything that we want to achieve in our lives, or anything we want our family or friends to achieve, if it is difficult, stretching and with plenty to learn we almost always get a coach!
Want to learn to drive - get a driving instructor!
Want to learn a new language - get a tutor!
Want to learn a new musical instrument - Music Teacher!
Most people who want to learn to drive a car will eventually succeed and the proven route to do this quickly & easily is a driving instructor ( A.K.A. Coach). However most people who want to learn to trade Forex profitably will fail so would anyone want to try to learn Forex trading without a Forex coach?
If you look at top performers in any profession there is always a coach, mentor or even a group of advisers. It doesn't matter if you're talking about a world class athlete, tennis player or even a business billionaire!
So if anything, that is difficult to achieve, becomes much easier with a coach and if more than 90% of Forex traders fail it is really blatantly obvious that getting a professional Forex coach is the best (if not the only!), quickest & CHEAPEST route to success
But who do you pick as your Forex Coach?
Here is what I would look for...
1. Experience
Pick someone who not only talks the talk but has walked the walk, someone who is making money from the Forex markets and has been doing so for at least 5 years, and so has seen all different market conditions. They can help you avoid some of the mistakes they made when they first started trading and fast track you to profitability.
2. It not just about the charts.
Learning how to identify the correct moment to enter a trade, where to put stop loss and how to manage the trade are of course vital but trading is far more about the correct trading mind-set that it is about more than just reading the charts.
You will need to learn to trade forex:
• risk management and position sizing,
• how to build a trading plan
• relationship between risk and reward and winning
• capital preservation (when not to trade)
• trading psychology when things go well and not so well
It is also important to learn that even with a successful coach not all trades will be profitable and you can even have more than 50% of your trades lose and still make money overall, learning how to deal with losing trades can be the difference between success and failure.
You will also need to learn about trading account management, how many trades to be in at a single time and how strict risk management can benefit their trading.
Having a coach that can teach you when not to trade, how to preserve your capital and how to deal with losing trade in essential. Creating the correct trading mind-set and having strong trader psychology which allows you to stick to your proven trading plan.
3. Someone that will hold you accountable?
Having to show all your trades and the explain the reasons for taking them to someone who knows more than you about it is a huge benefit to a new trader.
Just by asking yourself the question:
'What will my Coach think about me taking this trade?'
... adds another important layer to your decision making progress. There is nowhere to hide bad decisions.
4. Coaching is used in so many areas of life
As I said at the start, coaching is by no means unique to trading it is prevalent in most fields from sports to business and it is recognised as the way to achieve great things!
"Steve Peters is the most important person in my career," Victoria Pendleton, World and Olympic Cycling Champion said about Dr Steve Peters, Consultant Psychiatrist to the British Olympic Cycling team.
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up" - Thomas Edison.
To improve your trading, it's always essential to obtain the right forex training in order to maximise your chances of long-term success. Visit us at The Lazy Trader to discover how you can trade from only minutes a day.

Important Forex Trading Tips

Forex trading is recommended for people who are interested in the activities of trading forex as opposed to people who are more interested in making money. Emotions play a significant role in impacting the results. A person who is desperate to make money to settle his/her bills and payoff his/her mortgage is more likely to trade without any confirmed signals. You may consider becoming a full time trader once you have acquired the necessary skills. When you are just starting out, it is advisable to have another job that caters for your expenses. The most important tips in trading forex include:
· Trade the signals as opposed to the trades
If you have had some successful trades and in the process grown your capital, it is very tempting to seek for more risks. In the process, you may end up taking the wrong signals. This is likely to result in you losing what you had gained from good trades. When handling a single trade it is important to forget previous trades, be they gains or losses. This will help you focus on the most important signals to make an informed decision. Furthermore, avoid making risks more than is necessary simply because you have more money and have been successful over the short past.
· Being over-confident
Being over confident can have more serious repercussions than not having confidence. When you have no confidence, you end up doing nothing. However, when you are so sure of your actions without having any good signals can cost you a substantial amount of money. Making several good trades is not an indication that you are an advanced or professional trader. Likewise, making several bad trades does not mean you are a bad forex trader. It is important to manage you confidence levels in order to avoid the cycles of failure. Therefore, you need to analyze the market carefully to make the right decisions.
· Avoid competing with other traders
Different traders employ different trading strategies and styles. This explains why the results are often different. Some of the traders may be willing to take a 2% risk for a 5% to 10% profit every month, while other traders may be willing to take more than 20% risk and seek to double their profits every month. It often takes time for a new trader to discover his own style of trading. Once he/she discovers the most effective style he/she should avoid finding out from other traders, how much they make.
We provide the best info about prop trading UK. For further details please visit the provided link.

5 Compelling Reasons You Should Start Forex Trading

The currency trading market is always a hive of activity and being a $4 trillion a day market, it's understandable why. If you haven't yet started trading in currency, now is the time to start. With the availability of many online trading services, there isn't any reason why you shouldn't get involved. But in case you are not convinced yet, here are five compelling reasons why you should reconsider your stand.
Advantages of FX trading
Great liquidity - The size of the forex market is unmatched by any other trading asset. This means you can move large amounts of money easily, and at any time, given that this particular market never sleeps.
Accessibility - Unlike stock trading where you need a ton of money to start, forex is a more accessible area. While you do need a minimum balance to start trading, typically $100, it is generally affordable. You can trade on margin, where you basically trade more money than you initially deposit. This leverage is a constant in all trading sites. Though it carries risk with it, it basically gives you more trading power, and creates an opportunity of making good profits.
Low transaction cost - For forex, the cost of doing business is at an all time low. This cost, or spread, is low enough to be inconsequential.
Transparency - With forex, what you see is what you get. The immensity of the market means no single entity can control the market prices. The absence of middlemen means you deal directly with the market. This not only evens out the odds of all traders, it reduces execution time to fractions of seconds. The net effect of this is going long or going short whenever the conditions seem suitable. This transparency of this forex is one of the niceties that allure beginners, and for good reason.
Profitability - Perhaps the biggest advantage of forex trading is the probable ease of making profits. Unlike the stock market, where your profit hinges solely on the improving price of your stocks, forex increases your odds of profiting. Because you always work with two currencies, chances are when one currency dips, another improves, so you mostly end up on the winning.
Above are some of the advantages related with the forex trading market. And besides the above mentioned factors there is another aspect, known as demo accounts is related to forex, and that can be immensely beneficial for the beginners. The availability of demo accounts on many online trading platforms enable risk free trading.
If you are still not sure about trading in stock market/CFD/Forex, let me help you by giving you £20/€25/$25 welcome bonus so you can start trading without depositing a single penny! Visit my plus500 trading platform and claim your £20/€25/$25 welcome bonus. Good luck and good trading! Visit plus500 trading platform.

The Benefits of Trading Forex

The Benefits of Forex Compared to Regular Stocks
Liquidity in the FX market means that there are far more trade setups compared to stocks. It also means that there is more money on the table. - (Approx. 3.98 Trillion Dollars are traded per day).
Once you get to an advanced level you can trade the news, however a novice should keep away from trading the news. An example of this would be the first Friday of every month is nonfarm payroll.
There are strong trends in the market meaning that strategies are easier to create and adapt depending on the current economy.
No matter what time you would like to trade or if you want to trade around another job you can as Forex is a 24 hour market.
Stops - almost all stops are guaranteed. NEVER enter a trade without stops. It is incredibly important to do research into your chosen broker as some will charge you more per trade and some don't trade live to market.
With the right equipment and in the correct environment information is easily accessible. You can see what news might affect the market and amend your order accordingly.
It is very important to know when news announcements are due to be released so we can avoid being in an intraday trade during this period.
Pick an economic calendar and look at it regularly - every Monday you should review the week ahead.
Focus on the Primary Important Indicators first (normally flagged RED)
It is generally the difference between the Expectations and Actual result that cause large movements in price.
The expectation of the news release is already factored into the current price.
o If the news release meets its expectations expect little movement in price.
o If the news release is radically different from expectations expect a large movement in price.
Pay attention to news Amendments - this can change everything quickly... (possible revisions up to 48 hrs after initial release)
If we are to make money we must collect pips
A single pip is the fourth decimal place of the exchange rate
EUR/USD 1.3625
We can collect pips in both a rising and falling market. Long and Short Trades
If we think the market will move up we BUY. This is referred to as going LONG
If we think the market will move down we SELL. This is referred to as going SHORT
How can we sell something we have not yet bought? We are speculating on the movement of one currency pair against another and placing our trades based on this speculation
Examples of Pips
Take £1 = 1.6535 USD
The last two digits are what is important which are referred to as 'Pips'
So if we were long 'Cable' at 1.6535 and we were looking to make 20 pips, we would be looking to close the trade at 1.6555
Some currency pairs only have 2 Decimal places for example USD/JPY 93.25. In this instance 1 USD would be equal to 93.25 Yen

Important Forex Trading Tips

Forex trading is recommended for people who are interested in the activities of trading forex as opposed to people who are more interested in making money. Emotions play a significant role in impacting the results. A person who is desperate to make money to settle his/her bills and payoff his/her mortgage is more likely to trade without any confirmed signals. You may consider becoming a full time trader once you have acquired the necessary skills. When you are just starting out, it is advisable to have another job that caters for your expenses. The most important tips in trading forex include:
· Trade the signals as opposed to the trades
If you have had some successful trades and in the process grown your capital, it is very tempting to seek for more risks. In the process, you may end up taking the wrong signals. This is likely to result in you losing what you had gained from good trades. When handling a single trade it is important to forget previous trades, be they gains or losses. This will help you focus on the most important signals to make an informed decision. Furthermore, avoid making risks more than is necessary simply because you have more money and have been successful over the short past.
· Being over-confident
Being over confident can have more serious repercussions than not having confidence. When you have no confidence, you end up doing nothing. However, when you are so sure of your actions without having any good signals can cost you a substantial amount of money. Making several good trades is not an indication that you are an advanced or professional trader. Likewise, making several bad trades does not mean you are a bad forex trader. It is important to manage you confidence levels in order to avoid the cycles of failure. Therefore, you need to analyze the market carefully to make the right decisions.
· Avoid competing with other traders
Different traders employ different trading strategies and styles. This explains why the results are often different. Some of the traders may be willing to take a 2% risk for a 5% to 10% profit every month, while other traders may be willing to take more than 20% risk and seek to double their profits every month. It often takes time for a new trader to discover his own style of trading. Once he/she discovers the most effective style he/she should avoid finding out from other traders, how much they make.
We provide the best info about prop trading UK. For further details please visit the provided link.

Top 5 Benefits of MetaTrader 4 (MT4) in the Forex Market

MetaTrader 4 or MT4 is a robust Forex trading platform that offers several useful functionalities, such as advanced charting functions, technical analysis options and indicators. User-friendly and customizable, MT4 also boasts high precision and accuracy. It also allows back-testing, hedging, real-time data export and many other ways of trading. Besides, it also supports add-on Forex software such as "Expert Advisors", which enable round-the-clock automation of trading. MT4 also offers mobile trading systems for smartphones and price alerts and signals.
Benefits of MetaTrader 4 in the Forex Market
The perfect Forex trading system for experienced and novice traders, MT4 offers the following benefits:
  • Technical indicators and charting: MT4 allows access to several high-quality technical indicators, such as Stochastics, Ichimoku clouds and Bollinger Bands. It also offers sophisticated, customizable and in-depth charting capabilities, direct trading from the charts and customization of analysis. These enable traders to analyze technical aspects of the market while they are still trading, thus enhancing their trading opportunities.

  • Advanced trading execution: During real-time trading, MT4 functions like an advanced trading execution system with highly intuitive and user-friendly interface. This allows novice traders to trade comfortably in the complicated and volatile Forex market. The MT4 platform is also customizable; hence, traders can set their priorities for trading.

  • Language options: Traders from across the world can utilize the MT4 platform and its huge data bank, given its availability in many languages.

  • Communication tools: To enable fast and effective communication among traders, MT4 offers quick message postings and other real-time communication tools. This helps simplify the user experience and avoids the need for long and complicated email threads.

  • Negligible disruption: MetaTrader 4 uses minimal resources and hence, affects only minimal or negligible disruption to the PC. Hence, the platform also reacts faster, enabling quicker implementation of trades and trade requests.

  • Expert Advisors: A highly popular add-on feature and Forex software in MT4, Expert Advisors enables automation of trading and allows traders to set trading priorities as per their needs and strategies.

  • Information access: The MT4 platform interface allows users to access their account information. This includes trading history, access details, account balance and password information.

  • Security: To ensure enhanced security of Forex transactions, MT4 encrypts data between the server and traders with a 129-bit key. Traders' IP addresses are also completely hidden. This helps prevent the dangers of attacks and account hacking.

  • Flexibility: MT4 also enables multi-currency transactions and trading in commodities, indices, futures and equities markets.

  • System-based trading: MT4 facilitates system-based trading, as Expert Advisors enables traders to execute trades automatically based on technical parameters. Trading strategies can be customized or are readily available through the platform.

  • Customization: MT4 supports customization. Hence, it facilitates traders to create their own trading strategies; this includes getting customized Expert Advisors and technical indicators. Expert Advisors allows traders to program their trades in advance and employ various possible scenarios. Hence, it helps to choose the right Forex trading software or create a fully customized program that suits their trading needs. There are many hundreds of custom indicators, Expert Advisors and other useful Forex software tools available for MT4.
Finally, MT4 also enables margin monitoring by percentage, USD value and level. It also offers fast and simple registration, deposit and withdrawal processes. With MetaTrader 4 becoming the standard Forex trading platform around the world, it is now offering enhanced security that enables traders to open and close their positions securely and safely.
If you are interested in getting the Expert Advisors for sophisticated MetaTrader 4 Forex trading platform, contact right away for MT4 programming services.

Forex Trading and MetaTrader

The world of Forex can be fascinating. If you have just discovered the world of currency trading then there is a lot for you to learn. Millions of people all over the world are realizing their dreams because they have just discovered the world of currency trading.
However, making money with Forex is easier said than done. When trading Forex, timing is of the essence. You get your timing wrong and everything can go downhill rapidly.
You will need tremendous guidance and expertise before you can make some money. This is where Forex signals come into the picture.
Forex signals
It is vital that you get enough information to make proper decisions. So, what are Forex signals and how do they work?
Forex signals are signals that prompt you to buy or sell currency pairs. They help you to start a trade. These signals are based on well established patterns and also on expert knowledge of the markets.
It takes great skill to be able to predict the markets. This is not based on mere speculation. In fact, speculation plays no part in correctly interpreting data and well established patterns. Speculation plays no part in a signals service.
Some of the most successful Forex traders have used some form of signal service to become successful.
Using MetaTrader Signals Service
Forex signals are often related to the release of fresh economic data. However, how the market will react is never very clear. This is where MetaTrader Signal Service can be a real blessing. If you opt to receive these Forex signals from MetaTrader, you are on your way to becoming a successful trader.
MetaTrader 5 is by far the best provider of trading signals. You will stay well informed and you can even put your trades on auto pilot. You will be emulating the trades of successful traders automatically. All you have to do is choose the signals provider and then connect to the signals and you are well on your way.
The best part is that you will always be connected to a winning combination. All traders are screened regularly and losing traders are never allowed to connect. Hence, there is no chance for you to connect to a trader who does not know how to make a killing on the Forex markets. You have a win-win situation all the time.
Great for a newbie too
A newbie is always worried that he will lose all his money. This is quite natural. The world of Forex is a volatile world and some currency pairs such as Euro/USD can be very volatile indeed.
Even if you have never traded the currency market before, you have nothing to worry about as practically everything is automated. The MetaTrader 5 trading signals are very easy to interpret and implement.
Selling MQL5 Signals Service
Just in case you believe that you have the expertise to send signals to other traders for their benefit, you can actually sell MQL5 Signal service to other Forex traders.
You can make a good passive income every month by simply setting up your signal service for other traders to use. Whenever other traders decide to subscribe to your signals, you get a certain percentage of the subscription fee. This can add up very quickly to a substantial income.
Safety and security
Safety is of paramount importance with MetaTrader 5 Signal Service. You will never lose your money because you were connected with a trader with a poor performance record.
Every trader is monitored for at least a month before the trader is allowed to offer his signal services. During this monitoring period, if the trader is found wanting in his ability to trade successfully, he will not be permitted to offer his signals to other traders.
Great reach for signal providers
As a signal service provider, you will be able to reach thousands of other traders. Hence, the potential to become a successful signals provider is very great. You must remember that Forex trading involves millions of traders and over four trillion dollars are traded every day. This is a phenomenally huge market and it is getting bigger by the week.
As a MetaTrader 5 Signals Service provider there is no limit to what you can earn through monthly subscriptions to your signals service. The potential is huge. It is your call and you can write your own success story.
Getting started with a subscription of MetaTrader 5 Signals Service is very easy. You can get started immediately as there is practically no paper work involved. There are no agreements and legally binding documents to return. It is all set up to work with minimum fuss.
Just press click and you are on your way to getting the best signal service in the world of Forex.

Are There Risks in Forex Trading?

Just like any other investment vehicle, forex trading has its own risks and benefits. Mostly, you will read about the advantages of currency trading but you will rarely see its risks being mentioned. But the truth of matter is that approximately 90 percent of the foreign currency traders lose. One of the reasons why most people lose in the forex market is because they do not understand market trends and leverage well. Most of them see these as quite easy to deal with, but in real sense they are not.
Even though currency markets trend well, reliable trends are only shown in the longer time frames. Since a lot of traders want to make profits faster, they usually opt for short term day trending methods. But the problem is that moves within a day are random and they get stopped out continuously. Due to this, they never generate good profits. There are some long term traders who do not benefit from the long term trends because they do not know the proper way to deal with volatility and also to stop placement. As a result, they continually get stopped early before taking enough risk.
Most of the forex traders who are mostly concerned about reducing risks usually create a scenario that makes it hard for them to win. Leverage and volatility on other hand makes risk management to be extremely hard even for the most seasoned forex traders. To make good use of leverage, it is imperative that you study volatility and ensure that your stops are not too close. Your stops should not also be railed too quickly if you are looking forward to making large profits from big moves. When it comes to picking the market direction, most traders are very good at it, but the problem is that they keep being stopped.
Another risk that forex traders usually face is interest rate risk. This refers to the profit as well as losses that are generated as a result of the fluctuations in the forward spreads along with maturity gaps and forward amount mismatches in the foreign exchange book. The interest risk is usually caused by currency swaps. In order to minimize it, you will need to set the limit on the total of mismatches in your trade. You can do this by separating mismatches depending on their maturity dates into up to six months as well as the past six months.
If you are new forex trader, it is will advantageous if you avoid day or intra trading. You will also need to trade longer term but with a clear understanding of volatility, how to place stops properly and how to manage risks. By doing this, you will be increasing your chances of staying in long term trends. Successful traders usually understand the risks that the forex market has, and therefore they make sure that their trades are planned carefully in order to minimize the risks on their trading capital.
Do calculated risk in Malaysian Forex Trading today with the help of Teletrade today!

Stock Trading - An Introduction for the Beginners

If there's a term that is frequently used in today's business world, it's stocks. Stock trading dominates financial talks, but to many, the specifics of what exactly goes on are very elusive. From afar, stock trading is one of the greatest technological achievements of our time. The kind of computational efficiency that is displayed in the financial markets is nothing short of remarkable.
How to Join the Stock Market
The advent of online trading has made stock trading more accessible to the public, implying that anyone with a stout heart can take part. There's a lot to be learnt in this trade, certainly more than can be captured here, but this should not be at all discouraging. There are some basics that you need to learn though before you can even begin.
You perhaps understand that trading goes on. This buying and selling can be executed on the exchange floor, as you see in trading floors, or can be done electronically.
This electronic market is served by online trading platforms, with computer networks matching the offerings of buyers and sellers. Because a solitary broker cannot access this electronic market by themselves, an intermediary, usually a brokerage firm, bridges the gap. There is the option of getting a broker, but this costs you money, and deprives you of the control and learning process that comes with trading yourself.
Brokerage Services
There are many online brokerage firms that have arisen to meet the needs of at-home investors. Their rise to prominence has been symbolic of the growing sophistication of our time, as evidenced by the presence of the platforms on PC, websites and mobile applications for tablets and smartphones.
Joining the brokerage services is painless, with some allowing you demo accounts to help acclimatize yourself with the process of trading. Stocks are only one of the financial assets traded, with others being currencies, commodities, indexes and EFTs.
The advantage of using online trading firms is the low initial capital that you can invest. Initial weariness of new investors is well understood, which is why some brokers allow as little as $100 for a start.
Knowing which stocks to trade in is critical, and for this reason, you should dedicate some time learning the markets before you put your money down. Things such as product announcements and earning dates affect the price of stocks. The wise trader is the one who foresees the changes that such factors can bring.
Once you start trading, you begin to understand how to measure the performance of the markets and how to use stock indexes.
The sad truth with stock trading is that you have to lose before you can win. But if you learn to lose, and internalize key strategies, and endeavor to keep learning, you will have the last laugh.
If you are still not sure about trading in stock market/CFD/Forex, let me help you by giving you £20/€25/$25 welcome bonus so you can start trading without depositing a single penny! Visit my plus500 trading platform and claim your £20/€25/$25 welcome bonus - Visit Good luck and good trading!